Saturday, February 20, 2010

Technical difficulties aka Murphy's Law

So I have a wedding to shoot in one week, and what happens???  My computer has crashed on me.  Not completely, just enough to that the idea of using it is a tease.  It says, "come on, use me, surf the net, work on photos, it's all good!"  But then what happens?  It freezes within minutes, only to be reset, and all work to be restarted.... grrrr!!!   So now I must wait.  Computers aren't cheap, especially ones that perform well.  Thank heavens we're getting a tax return, but now I'm in that limbo of waiting.... it will come, and a new computer will be mine, but the waiting.... !!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Because I want this blog to be strictly new work only, if you are interested in checking out past work I've done, you can find a lot of here:

and if you are REALLY brave, and patient, have a gander at my sadly disorganized photostream on flickr at:

